2nd - 09th of August 2025 

Under the Patronage of Mayor Stefan Martus

 An opportunity for outstanding young musicians to perfect their skills including a recorded world premiere under the baton of the internationally acclaimed conductor Adam Szmidt 

About us

The International Chamber Orchestra Academy Philippsburg, founded by the composer Matthias Hutter, is a worldwide academy for music students and outstanding young musicians who want to perfect their orchestral skills unter the baton of the internationally acclaimed conductor Adam Szmidt.

The Academy will conclude with the world premiere of the "Phantasmaria in rojo púrpura" by Matthias Hutter combined with great works of music history such as Tschaikowsky's 5th Symphony, Beethoven's  Egmont Ouverture or Schumann's Manfred Ouverture, in two public concerts.
We are delighted to have the Japanese conductor Kanako Abe, who lives in Europe, as our ‘Special Guest Conductor’. Kanako Abe is regarded as a specialist in contemporary music, having conducted more than 200 world premieres.
The concerts and all rehearsals will take place in the Philippsburg Art Nouveau Hall. Our team is strengthened by our Assistant Conductor and trombonist Miriam Raspe.

The possibility to make chamber music as well as some tutoring by our conductors and soloists in a friendly environment are also part of the experience which remains affordable for young talented applicants because of our donors' contributions.

Each participant receives a diploma and a professional recording of the concert.


 August 1st Arrival of participants
August 2nd - August 9th rehearsals
Excursion to Speyer
Chamber Music in the evenings
August 8th & 9th dress rehearsal and concerts
August 10th departure

Accommodation is provided in private households
Full board catered by traditional inn “Zum Einhorn
Recording provided by “Beatonal” - Studio Weingarten


Ludwig van Beethoven 

Egmont Ouvertüre op. 84

Robert Schumann

Manfred Ouvertüre op. 115

 Matthias Hutter 

Phantasmaria en rojo púrpura op. 82
World Premiere

Peter Tschaikowsky

Symphony No. 5 in E minor op. 64

Matthias Hutter, composer
(present in rehearsals and concert)
Kanako Abe, Special Guest Conductor
Adam Szmidt, conductor and artistic director 


The Academy is advertised for
Strings: Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Double Bass
 Woodwinds/Brass:  Flute ,  Oboe,
Clarinet , Basson, Horn, Trumpet   
Percussion: Timpani and percussion instruments
 Please send the application until latest May 15th, 2025 to: [email protected]
The application must contain:
1.completed application form
2. short motivation letter 
3. CV and certificates, if applicable
4. short recording or YouTube link 

The participation fee for the academy is 220,-- € (Repeaters: 190,-- €)
plus a flat rate of 200,-- € for full board and accommodation.
After confirmation of participation, a deposit of 50,-- € has to be paid within 
8 days. The remaining fee is to be paid by 30 June.
All payments to: Konzertverein Philippsburg 
IBAN: DE65 6605 0101 0108 2972 68
Bank institute: Sparkasse Karlsruhe

There are a limited number of scholarships for which you can apply. Scholarship means that the course fee is waived and only the flat rate for food and accommodation (200,-- €) has to be paid. Only in exceptional cases can a full board scholarship also be granted, which means that this flat fee is also waived.

About Philippsburg

 Philippsburg is a town on the Rhine in Baden-Württemberg, home to ca. 13000 inhabitants. It is situated between the cities of Mannheim, Ludwigshafen, Speyer, Heidelberg and Karlsruhe.

During the 17th and 18th century, Philippsburg as the prince-bishop of Speyer’s fortress was of outstanding military significance in many battles between France and the German Reich. A marketplace in the centre of town and a historical sightseeing walk with 17 stations remind of the past.

The Festungs- und Waffengeschichtliches Museum (museum of the fortress and historical weaponry), the Heimatuseum (museum of local history) and the memorial “pax aeterna” by the artist Giacomo Manzu are all worth a visit, when staying in Philippsburg.

A special gem is the Jugendstil (art nouveau) festival hall that is situated directly by the school of music and arts.

With its gastronomical variety, many shops, medical offices a train station and a direct connection to the motorway, the town has good infrastructure.

On sunny days, one can discover rare animals and plants when strolling or biking through the abundant nature and many wildlife reserves surrounding Philippsburg.

Plenty of clubs offer recreational activities in various areas of sports and culture. Alongside several lakes, an indoor- and an outdoor swimming pool invite to a swim on a hot summer day.

Additionally, the castles of Heidelberg, Karlsruhe and Mannheim, the castle garden in Schwetzingen and cathedral of Speyer (UNESCO World Heritage Site) are in close proximity for a lovely day trip.

Testimonials of participants of the Philippsburg Chamber Orchestra Academy:

Being in an International Music Academy in Philippsburg was an unforgettable experience for me. I learned a lot from a wonderful conductor Gregor Mayerhofer and from playing with great musicians alongside. I met lovely people that share the same love to music, I really recommend this academy to every young musician that want to develop their skills

Marika Kostecka (Poland)

Having been part of the Philippsburg Akademie Sommer Konzert was an absolute pleasure! We were so well received by both organisers and audience . Making music with different people from different parts of the world was an exhilarating experience and one I shall never forget . I do hope to return , one day, in the future.

Brittany Smith (South Africa)

"Viele wunderbare Menschen zwischen welchen sich eine einzigartige Gruppenchemie gebildet hat. Freundschaften mit Leuten von denen man früher noch nie gehört hat sind entstanden. Dazu durfte man auch wunderbare Musik mit diesen Leuten spielen!"
 Leo E. (Germany)


The 1st Chamber Orchestra Academie was a great and formative experience. It was very well organized and gave us the chance to learn a lot with great musicians and composers and have fun at the same time. I definitely recommend it and would do it again! 


Marta Di L. (Italy)

Die Philippsburger Kammerorchesterakademie ist ein superschönes Erlebnis für jeden der gerne im Orchester musiziert. Man lernt neue Menschen kennen, die die gleichen Interessen vertreten und teilweise sogar aus andern Ländern kommen. Besonders die gemeinsame Arbeit im Orchester ist eine schöne Erfahrung, besonders bei den großartigen Werken, die wir erarbeitet haben. Ebenso lehrreich und bereichernd war die Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Dirigenten Adam Szmidt, der uns sowohl auf persönlicher als auch auf musikalischer Ebene viel vermittelte. Eine unvergessliche Zeit die meinen musikalischen Weg sehr geprägt hat!

Anja P. (Germany)

La academia 2021 para mí fué súper ., Hice Buenos amigos, jugué repertorio nuevo y súper y conocí hermosos lugares de Alemania ...

Rafael J.  (Mexico)

Die 1. internationale Philippsburger Kammerorchester-Akademie war ein Projekt, das nicht erst in den Kinderschuhen steckte, sondern in allen Bereichen professionell organisiert war und reibungslos ablief. Musikalisch fand das Ganze auf einem sehr hohen Niveau statt, mit extrem talentierten und hochmotivierten Nachwuchsmusikern, die entweder kurz vor oder am Beginn ihres Musikstudiums standen. Dank dieser konzentrierten und motivierten Arbeitsatmosphäre konnte das rhythmisch und technisch anspruchsvolle Programm gestemmt und in drei Konzerten mit gleichbleibend hoher Qualität

aufgeführt werden. Auch für die Zukunft sowohl für potenzielle Bewerber als auch für Konzertbesucher der Abschlusskonzerte eine ganz klare Teilnahme-Empfehlung!

Miriam R. (Germany)


Konzertverein Philippsburg e.V.

Matthias Hutter, President


(0049)152 576 555 61
[email protected]

With friendly support by: